Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I think I know where the members of Ungu all first met before they decided to form a pop band...
Lapangan Banteng on Gothic Night.


Neng Sarah.

Posted by Neng Sarah

Friday, March 24, 2006

True, black is slimming. But if they're in the form of a legging and a sparkly body-clinging see-through top... well, that's a different story.

News flash for Indonesian celebrities: when you finally have to dress yourself like a rotisserie chicken bundled up in a black hosiery just to get noticed, that means you are officially a hasbeen.

Neng Sarah.

Posted by Neng Sarah

JAKARTA - Jajaran Kepolisian Daerah Metro Jaya Kamis malam (23/3) melakukan Operasi Yustisi untuk menjaring para waria pekerja seks komersil. Operasi dilakukan di beberapa titik dan tempat hiburan di Jakarta yang biasa dijadikan lokasi para waria menjajakan diri. Petugas berhasil menciduk 32 orang waria yang langsung digelandang ke Markas Polda Metro Jaya.
Diantara 32 waria yang digiring petugas, terdapat 4 orang artis ibukota yang ternyata adalah perempuan asli, yaitu Peggy Melati Sukma, Lilis Karlina, Della Puspita, dan Anisa Bahar.

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Peggy mengaku dirinya berada di kawasan Taman Lawang karena tengah mencari obyek untuk program acara televisi bagi-bagi uang yang dipandunya "Rejeki Nomplok".
"Enak aja saya dikira waria. Saya ini baru diundang ke New York untuk mengikuti sidang komite kedudukan wanita di Markas PBB lho, pak", ujarnya berang.

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Sementara itu penyanyi dangdut Lilis Karlina tampak kebingungan ketika menyadari dirinya ikut dibawa juga oleh para polisi.
"Eh, aya naon iyeu teh? Pak pulisi, naha Lilis ditangkap? Lilis mah sanes bondon, pak. Lilis teh habis show di Cicalengka".

Ketika diinterogasi petugas di Kantor Polda, Della Puspita dan Anisa Bahar tampak begitu emosional. Keduanya sibuk menceritakan masalah yang pernah menimpa mereka.

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"Sampai mati saya tidak akan mengakui Henri Pasman sebagai ayah saya! Saya tidak akan maafkan dia sampai dia bersujud di kaki ibu sayaaa...!!!", jerit Della.

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"Ani diajak Memo Sanjaya untuk tes vokal dirumahnya, pak... Terus Ani dijanjiin bakal rekaman... Ternyata Andi diperdaya, pak... Ani dipaksa memenuhi nafsu bejatnya... Ani diperkosa!!! Terus Ani kawin sama dia...", ujar Anisa Bahar sambil terisak-isak.

Kepala Seksi Susila Polda Metro Jaya, Kopral Jono, menyatakan permohonan maaf kepada para selebriti yang ikut tertangkap. Dirinya menghimbau seluruh artis wanita Indonesia untuk berdandan sewajarnya untuk menghindari terjadinya salah tangkap di kemudian hari. (Neng Sarah)

Posted by Neng Sarah

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Amid rumors of her soon-to-be second marriage to Glenn Fredly, Dewi Sandra keeps a hush-hush. But we at whodoyouthinkheare got the latest scoop on this tattle.

A very unreliable blabbermouth who works as an assistant at a certain wedding-gown boutique spilled that Dewi wants it to be a hip R&B wedding with "Here Comes The Bride (Darkchild Remix)" playing in the background as she walks down the aisle. He also sent us a picture of Dewi in what seems to be her wedding attire.

Ick, Dewi....ick! I veto The Eva Longoria circa 2004 pine-tree hair and The P Diddy/Nyai Ronggeng white ensemble. Change the whole thing now before it's too late!!

Neng Sarah.

PS. Yes, I've heard of push-up bras, but the reason for wearing a bustier is NOT to jack up your breasts up to a point they reach your collarbones.

Posted by Neng Sarah

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Mustika Ratu mempersembahkan seri warna kosmetika terbaru untuk trend tahun 2006...

"Pesona Taman Lawang"

Model Catherine Wilson menggunakan:
Alas bedak #01, Dempul Ketok Magic
Bedak tabur #03, Vampir Mandarin
Perona pipi dan pemulas bibir #77, Metro Mini S604
Perona mata #94, Begadang
Lip gloss #108, Kemilau Lampu Tanamur.

Neng Sarah.

Posted by Neng Sarah

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Brace yourself, folks! For you are about to witness the grotesque and wicked appearance of The Grim Reaper of Fashion herself, Angelina Sondakh...


Neng Sarah.

PS. Looks like Angie has finally found her soulmate. My my, I must say the resemblance is uncanny. Hmmm... I wonder what the wedding picture would look like...

Posted by Neng Sarah

Saturday, March 11, 2006

A dear reader sent us some pictures and asked us a question...

Dear Mpok Jane and Neng Sarah,
I'm seeing double! Explanation please...

Dear Reader,

Those pictures were taken a looong long time ago. A time when dinosaurs still roam free in Jurassic Park, a time when oversized shirts and Dr. Martens were cool, a time when DEWA was still 19 and mentally sober, a time when glitter was still associated with sparkly dust and not a 2-hour Mariah Carey on an acid trip mock-umentary. Anyway, you get the picture.

It was such a long time ago that Maia was still Maya and Mulan was still Wulandari. They were just a bunch of hicktown wannabes trying to make it in the music business under the name of PUTRI. They were so poor they had to borrow clothes from each other, even if it was just a lousy shirt from some third-rate distro. Yes dear reader, believe it or not, Maia and Mulan were once mere mortals like you and me before they became a boastful and self-loving maniacs. In fact, their hit single "TTM" was not originally titled Teman Tapi Mesra, but it was Teman Tapi Minjem.

"Cukuplah saja berteman dengankuuu...
Janganlah kau meminta lebiihhh...
Lebih baik kita berteman, kita berteman saja,
Teman tapi minjem...

Neng Sarah.

Posted by Neng Sarah

Friday, March 10, 2006

Suatu sore di kediaman Rebecca Tumewu.

(Dalam hati)
"We we we dot whodoyouthinkheare dot blogspot dot com..."
"Baca dari postingan pertama ahhh..."
"Hahaha....ancur banget sih Cornelia Agatha. Pantes aja dicela. Nggak ada bagus-bagusnya. Hmmm, nanti malem gue ada undangan kawinan nih. Jadi terinspirasi...
Gw mo dandan kayak Cornelia ah! Tapi dalam versi
Haute Couture. Pasti lebih oke! Biar Mpok Jane dan Neng Sarah liat klo selera gue jauh lebih bermutu dan berkelas daripada si Miss Marcella-Zalianty-stole-my-Piala-Citra. Hahahaha....
Mandi dulu ahhh..."

1 jam kemudian...

Neng Sarah.

Posted by Neng Sarah

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Hey, everybody!!
Rachma Azhari is here to play Smutty Hokey Pokey with you...
Is everybody ready??

"You put your left breast in,
you put your left breast out,
you put your left breast in,
and you shake it all about.
You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about.

Now put your right labia majora in,
you put your right labia majora out,
you put your right labia majora in,
and you shake it all about.
You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about..."

Neng Sarah.

Posted by Neng Sarah

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

IS THAT A WIG???!!!!!
Please, please, pleeeease somebody tell me that's his real hair (although I saw him on Gebyar BCA with that hair and it looked convincingly fake). The day I tolerate men wear wigs for vanity is the day that I'm wearing a matching tight-fitting bleached denim jeans and cropped jacket with roller skates to Plaza Senayan to buy Agnes Monica's latest CD.

Neng Sarah.

PS. Thomas Djorghi, I have to be honest with you. That itty-bitty tuft of hair on your chest you're flaunting ostentatiously is severely annoying and giving me an ulcer. You'd better wax that thing off immediately or I will personally remove it one by one with a tweezer.

Posted by Neng Sarah

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Dear Mbak Reza,

Just exactly what is it that you are trying to prove here? That you can give Hengky Tandayu a run for his money?

Mpok Jane.

Posted by Anonymous

Monday, March 06, 2006

In every group, usually there's someone who's always trying to be different in order to be the center of attention and ruin everything. He/she will go to any measure just to be noticed. For instance it's like when, "Jeng-jeng...besok kita kompakan ya pake blus broken white dan jeans, oke?", and she showed up wearing a yellow jewel-encrusted raincoat, 6-tiered pearl earrings, and a Neneng Anjarwati wig. Don't you just hate that kind of person?

"Ampuuuun DJ......
Jangan siksa mata kita doong... dong... dong... dong... dong... dong... dong... dong... dong..."

Neng Sarah.

PS. KD, if you think you can get away with it...think again! Pirates Of The Carribean puffy shirt with animal print belt? Only if you were a male backup dancer on Dag Dig Dut.

Posted by Neng Sarah

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Cut Tari is trying a new recipe for "Dress Up Like Indonesian Fictional Characters".

Take Bajuri's tropical shirt. Add a dash of Oneng's makeup. Finish with an Oom Pasikom's hat.


Neng Sarah.

Posted by Neng Sarah

Friday, March 03, 2006

Okay, I know I am being cliche here but it is true you know, a picture sometimes does speak a thousand words. Take this one for instance:

See how the guy seems to be trying so hard not to laugh and in the process of doing so is actually biting his lower lip? And see how he is glancing to his left hand side, just the direction where Nina Tamam stands? I rest my case...

Mpok Jane.

Posted by Anonymous

Far beyond the dead brain cells, lies a territory unknown to anyone, even to Shanty herself, her fashion sense.

Mpok Jane.

Posted by Anonymous

Nafa Urbach made an appearance at the launching party of her autobiography "The Chronicles of Nafa: The Lion King Disease, The Bitch, And The Robe" at Tanamur Discotheque, suitably dressed in a robe that would surely make Lord Voldemort green with envy.

Neng Sarah.

Posted by Neng Sarah

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Black Jersey dress with lace-up detail...
Rp. 500.000,-

Big white studded belt...
Rp. 100.000,-

Fishnet stockings...
Rp 50.000,-

Wearing them together...
Priceless Valueless.

Neng Sarah.

Posted by Neng Sarah