Monday, March 06, 2006

In every group, usually there's someone who's always trying to be different in order to be the center of attention and ruin everything. He/she will go to any measure just to be noticed. For instance it's like when, "Jeng-jeng...besok kita kompakan ya pake blus broken white dan jeans, oke?", and she showed up wearing a yellow jewel-encrusted raincoat, 6-tiered pearl earrings, and a Neneng Anjarwati wig. Don't you just hate that kind of person?

"Ampuuuun DJ......
Jangan siksa mata kita doong... dong... dong... dong... dong... dong... dong... dong... dong..."

Neng Sarah.

PS. KD, if you think you can get away with it...think again! Pirates Of The Carribean puffy shirt with animal print belt? Only if you were a male backup dancer on Dag Dig Dut.

Posted by Neng Sarah