Relax people, Bella Saphira did not have a car accident, and no, that is not a designer neck brace. But now that she is officially a singer (after she released her first--
and only--album) she must always keep her pipes warm (for those impromptu singing requests, of course), thus the diamante studded neck warmer.
Oh, who the hell am I kidding. That's not a neck warmer. Adjie Massaid gave her hickeys the night before and she was trying to conceal it with that necklace. Okay, there you have it.
But on the other hand, Nirina Zubir really did have a car accident and sprained her neck, so she had to wear that neck brace.
Or maybe she just likes the attention. Hmmm, I'm not sure.
Neng Sarah.
Posted by Neng Sarah