Saturday, October 08, 2005

Tired of being the star of lousy C-grade sinetrons, Asti Ananta steered her career into a new direction... as Indonesia's Martha Stewart of Fashion. Here, she demonstrates her first creation.

Asti Ananta

The Retro J-Lo Top aka When-Modesty-Calls Top

1 scarf or sheer piece of fabric (approx. 150x150cm)
1 large brooch

Wrap scarf around shoulders horizontally. Meet the ends on left/right shoulder. Secure with a brooch.

PS. Should be worn only as a decoration or cover up. Please remember to wear something else underneath.

Oh look, she's got a follower already. It's none other than Her Royal Highness of "Catfights, Lawsuits & Blackmail-dom", Yuyun Sukowati.

Yuyun Sukowati

"Greetings, people! Who wants a piece of meee??"

Hail to The Queen Bitch!!

Neng Sarah.

Posted by Neng Sarah