Monday, September 26, 2005

Dear Venna,

I hate you, I fucking hate you. I need to put that upfront so you can rest assured that this is not a random act of hatred, this is a well-aimed act of hatred. I have always thought of you as tasteless and clueless, i.e. babydoll, sneakers, and ankle socks? come fucking on venna...but looking at the above picture I can confidently say that I have been wrong. You are not tasteless and clueless, you are simply insane because I don't think tastelessness and cluelessness can ever venture as far as what you have ventured. I rest my case...Get help venna baby, I mean it...

Mpok Jane.

Actually, compared to everything else Vella Melinda's worn over the past years, this one looks pretty tame (FYI: She was honored earlier this year with "Worst Dressed Lifetime Achievement Award" by yours truly. Hello? Did anyone see what she wore on "Ceriwis"?). Anyway, I just wanna point out how anorexic she appears on this picture. No, I'm not even gonna comment on the gaudy gold cut-out top, or even the shawl. But please ladies and gentlemen, take a look at her arms and her facial expression. It seems like she hasn't eaten anything in days. Okay Venna...lighten up on the Salsa-robics, step away from the stairmaster, and get a decent meal. NOW!

Neng Sarah.

Posted by Anonymous