Monday, September 26, 2005

Ladies and gentlemen, the ever subtle Miss Peggy Melati Sukma in person...

"Hey everyone, how's it goin?


Oopss sowie, you know I just have to do it every now and then. Quite therapeutic y'know? Don't think just...


Ooops...there I go again. Owww well anyway...whaddaya think of my top? I am loving it!! You know how the trend is these days? Lines, shapes, curves, and stuffs...and being decided to put everything together. And whoallaaa...fab isn't it? I am like soooo proud of my taste in fashion, you know how boring it is just wearing something that actually match and not stand out? Oooooo...and you know what? I just have to tell you this. Oooo...I am soooo excited, do you know how this top is just not a top? Nooooo it is also serves as like you know one of those abstracts drawings that you just have to focus on? You know...the ones that if you just focus on one point then you can see an image or whatever? Well this top is one of those, smart isn't it? I am like sooo proud of me. So c'mon everyone...focus...just start focusing on me...who knows you might see a dinosaur or something on top of my boobs."

Ohhh praise god!!
Mpok Jane.

Peggy dear, you're a wonderful, intelligent, and nice woman. But you're also really lousy when it comes to dressing. And you wearing that nausea-inducing blouse is such cry for help. Please Peggy, I can help you if only you would just talk to me. Why, Peggy? Why the perpetual fashion suicide? Is it because no matter what you do, you will eternally be known as a second-rate actress? Or is it a desperate attempt to escape the fact that your boyfriend is gay? Don't just stand there. Talk to me, dammit!!

Neng Sarah.

Posted by Anonymous