Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I thought I have seen it all. But once in a blue moon, I came across something so unexplainable I just don't know how to describe it. And that something, is like something Lusy Rahmawati wore...

Can somebody tell me what on earth is that ugly furry thing? Did she just sprain her neck, so she's wearing a designer neck-cast, designed by an Ewok? Did she just got bitten by a posessed animal and she's turning into a She-Wolf? Or did she just get a testosterone injection, so she's suddenly sprouting grey chest hair?

Well whatever it is, that thing is so frightening it's been giving me nightmares. Lusy, if you're wearing that thing for stylistic purpose, you're absolutely nuts. It's not Helloween, so there's no need to scare people with your outfit. Well, unless you're Nafa Urbach that is.

Neng "Scully".

Posted by Neng Sarah