Venna, Venna, Venna...
No, I'm not here to tell you how much I hate you. Nor do I want to call
Guiness Book of World Record and tell them I have found someone who deserves the title "Worst Dressed Woman Known To Mankind". Because, hey, you and the rest of the population of Indonesia already knew that, right? But I'm here right now because I want to talk to you about something really important. Heart to heart. Woman to woman. Okay, girlfriend? Good.
Venna...you're such a MF-ing callous and insensitive cow!!! No wait, that didn't come out right. Let me rephrase that.
Venna, I understand your burning desire to amaze the public
aka humiliate yourself with your ludicrous sense of style. But please, woman...you're a wife and a mother. Don't you even care about your husband's and children's feelings? Don't you ever consider what your husband felt after his co-worker remarked, "I saw your wife on TV last night looking like a cross between Karina Kapoor and J-Ho"? And don't you ever think about how your children cry everytime their friends at school say, "My mommy said your mommy is crazy"?
Please Venna, think about it. Think about your family. Have some mercy for them. Don't be a heartless bitch like us. Don't let your husband
menikah siri with some F-grade sinetron actress wannabe from Garut. Don't let your children have a new mommy whose real name is Leli Anjarwati. Save your marriage, Venna. Save your family.
Neng Sarah.
Posted by Neng Sarah