Saturday, December 10, 2005

Hello and welcome to another edition of Celebrity Deathmatch. Today is your lucky day because we have a very special fight for you. Ladies and gentleman, we present you "Whodoyouthinkheare's Bullfighting Match"!!!!

Rossa VS The Bull

"Hola, mi amigos! It's me, Rossa. Yes yes, it really IS me!! And yes, I know I look like a transvestite. Blame it on Derry, my makeup artist. Anyway, don't be fooled by the wig that I got, I'm still, I'm still Rossa from Sumedang. Kumaha, daramang sadayana? Alhamdulillah atuh. Si, mi amigos, I'm going to fight a bull in just a few moment. And no, don't you worry, I'm not gonna harm the animal. I'm just gonna lull the bull to sleep with my boring ballads, like "Nada-nada Cinta" and "Hati Yang Terpilih". Hahaha... Okay, I gotta go now. Wish me luck. Adios, amigos! No me ames, hasta forever! Ole!!!"

Neng Sarah.

Posted by Neng Sarah