Monday, February 06, 2006

The folks at "Cekcok & Recok" sent us this article from their tabloid.


What started out as a boring fund-raising event, turned out to be an exciting evening, when Neng Sarah of whodoyouthinkheare fame met her evil nemesis, Shanty. Our correspondent was more than eager to report this catty showdown for you, our lovely readers.

Excuse me, Shanty...
Hello, I'm Neng Sarah from whodoyouthinkheare. Perhaps you've already...
Oh yeah I've seen it, I know who you are. Vicious fucking bitch who makes shitty comments about celebrities. How dare you say all those cruel things about me? HOW DARE YOU?? Who do you think... *pauses* you are?
Sorry, but...
BUT WHATTT?? I'm not an imbecile, I have a great style, I'm fucking pretty, and I CAN FUCKING SING WELL, DAMMIT!!! I've won several AMI-SHARP awards!!
You think you're so clever and funny with your little writing. You think you're sooo much better than everyone else, huh? Well, FUCK YOUUU!!!!
Well I...
SHUT UP!!! Just shut up-shut up!!! I've had it with you. Don't you play around with me. I can do horrible things to you, because trust me, I can turn into a psycho bitch too. So *singing* no no no noooo... don't phunk with my heaaartttt!!
You'd better watch your fucking mouth, bitch! One more remark from you, you'll be hearing from my lawyer, because I'M GONNA FUCKING SUE YOU!!!!
HOLD IT, MISSY!!! You celebrities are alike. It's always "Me, me, me!". Well, how about thinking about us for a change. Think about our feelings! You think just because you're a celebrity, you can torture our eyes with your horrifying sense of fashion? HELL NO! I refuse to be tortured and I refuse to suffer!!
BUT WHAT?? You're a celebrity, for God's sake! You're supposed to be a role model, not a walking, talking, infotainment-hogging, offkey-singing nightmare!!
But, but...
You think I've always been a callous bitch like this? NO!!! I used to be a nice, sweet, and innocent girl. My parents used to be so proud of me. But now, thanks to you and your ill-dressed comrades, I became a hideous monster!! LOOK AT ME!!! Look at what you've reduced me to!!!!
Oh My God, I didn't know...
Of course, you didn't. You think all I did was insult you on my account. But you didn't realize that I'm doing this for your own good, so that you'll realize the mistakes you've made. WAKE UP AND SMELL YOUR DESIGNER-IMPOSTOR PERFUME, SHANTY!!!
I'm so sorry, Neng Sarah...
So from now on you'd better get your act together, or I'll slaughter you with a dull and rusty knife like an anthrax-infested cow!!!
Oh, I promise, Neng Sarah... I'll try my best.
I seriously doubt it. You celebrities never learn. Oh, and one more thing, that Serengeti-inspired dress of yours makes you look like a new addition to Kebun Binatang Ragunan should it decide to open a brothel!!
Whatt?? But, but I thought animal prints are making a comeback.
Yeah, right. Their comeback is just as catastrophic as Imaniar's comeback as the jury of Popstar. Now go! Run, you mediocre, flash in the pan celeb! And don't you dare come into my sight looking like a gang-rape victim in a repository bin EVER AGAIN!!!


Neng Sarah.

Posted by Neng Sarah