Thursday, November 17, 2005

Somebody obviously forgot to remind Melly Zamri aka Putri Malam to put her wig back on before getting out of the house...

Bad Person!! Do you not see how embarrassed she looks? As if her career (err...that is if you consider shouting "yuuukk maanggg" every now and then a career) hasn't been embarrassing enough, now she has to suffer through this because of you. Will a piano or something the size of texas just fall from the sky upon him please...thank you very much.

And now can someone please pass on a brown paper bag to this poor Putri Malam? She needs it desperately to cover her head, thank you very much...

Mpok Jane.

I pity this woman. She shaved her head for a publicity stunt and then actually flaunted it because she believed she looked great looking like a holocaust victim. Melly, how low can you go?

Neng Sarah.

Posted by Anonymous